Back to School 2024

Back To School 2024
Best Practices for Disease Surveillance and Prevention for a Healthy School Year

September 26, 2024




Maria Sciancalepore, MPA, CRA

Director – New Jersey Immunization Network



Jenish Sudhakaran, MPH                                                                                     

New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH)

Population Assessment Coordinator                                                                              




Public Health in New Jersey: Background and Infrastructure                                  

Nicole Lam, MPH                                                                                                               




Healthcare & Public Health: A Collaborative Effort                                                    

Nicolette Wilson, MPH, MBS                                                                                                                        




Public Health Surveillance Overview

Meredith Bagger, MPH                                                                                                     


Public Health Representative Trainee                                                                                                          

The importance for surveillance, case definitions, complete data, and pertussis incidence

Partnerships in Public Health                                                                                                         

Elizabeth Zaremski, MPH


Surveillance Coordinator                                                                                                  


Learning Objectives

After viewing this webinar, attendees will be able to meet the following objectives: 
  • Describe when, what, and how to contact a local health department to report communicable diseases or suspect outbreaks.
  • Explain the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and allowable release of patient information to public health.
  • Describe the importance of timely, accurate, and complete disease reports for purposes of public health response and surveillance.
  • Develop mechanisms to strengthen relationships among partners in public health.
  • List steps that can be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious disease.
  • Identify resources from the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) that provide information and guidance on immunization requirements, disease prevention and control measures, and other training resources.


Jeni Sudhakaran, MPH

Jeni currently serves as the Population Assessment Coordinator for the Vaccine Preventable Disease Program. In this role, her responsibilities include identifying and monitoring pockets of under-immunized children by estimating immunization coverage and exemption rates among children in New Jersey schools. Additionally, she is the resident expert on the NJ State Sanitary Code for pupils in school, college rules, hospital rules, and the childhood immunization insurance law. She regularly provides presentations and technical assistance to the regulated communities on the importance of immunizations and compliance with the school immunization requirements. She has been with the New Jersey State Department of Health, specifically in the field of Public Health for over 20 years. She holds a master’s degree in public health with an emphasis in health systems & policy from the University of Medicine and Dentistry.

Nicole Lam, MPH

Nicole currently works as Research Scientist within NJ Department of Health (NJDOH), specializing in School Outbreaks as well as serving as a respiratory disease subject matter expert. Prior to this position, Nicole spent over ten years as part of the Regional Epidemiology Program within NJDOH, working with  local health departments and public health partners on communicable disease. 

Nicolette Wilson, MPH, MBS

Nicolette Wilson is currently a Research Scientist at New Jersey’s Department of Health Vaccine Preventable Disease Program. She attended Rutgers University where she received master’s degrees in Epidemiology and Biomedical Science. She has been with the program since 2020 where she acts as the SME for varicella and provides support for VPDP data analysis efforts.

Meredith Bagger, MPH

Meredith Bagger is a public health representative within the Vaccine Preventable Disease Program at the New Jersey Department of Health. She received her Master of Public Health in epidemiology of microbial diseases from the Yale School of Public Health. She has been a part of the surveillance team since 2023 and is the SME for acute flaccid myelitis.

Elizabeth Zaremski, MPH

Elizabeth Zaremski is the Surveillance Coordinator for the Vaccine Preventable Disease Program at the New Jersey Department of Health. She has a bachelor’s degree in public health and a master’s degree in epidemiology. She has worked in healthcare, healthcare research, and public health fields since 2001 with experience in minority health, financial and insurance-related barriers to healthcare for older adults, and communicable and infectious diseases.


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