NJIN Webinar – Approaches to Address Common Vaccine Myths and Tools to Decrease Hesitancy

Digital Meeting - Zoom

Register Here - https://njaap.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L_YBy7geTgyQUoeDEl4k3g Registration is required to attend this event. Continuing Education available Accreditation Statement: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Medical Society of New Jersey. New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics is accredited by the Medical Society of New Jersey to provide […]

NJIN General Membership Meeting – Presentation: Uzma Hasan, MD

Digital Meeting - Zoom

Dr. Uzma Hasan will be presenting Measles: Presenting the facts and Dispelling Myths About MMR NJIN’s General Membership meeting is open to all NJIN members. You can click this link to add the meeting to your digital calendar. If you would like to become an NJIN member, send an email to NJIN@njaap.org expressing your interest.